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The geographic region for Rivers & Mountains GreenFaith is roughly within an imaginary boundary of New Paltz-Kingston-Millerton on the south, Saratoga and Glens Falls on the north, with The Berkshires on the east and the northern Catskills on the west.

Hudson River Watershed almost entirely in New York State, with small portions in Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey.


The larger watershed includes three sub-watersheds: Upper Hudson, Mohawk River, and Hudson River Estuary.


Hundreds of tributary streams carry water to the Hudson River, and each of those smaller rivers and streams has its own watershed.  Find your watershed with these detailed PDF watershed maps

Housatonic River Watershed

...located primarily in western Massachusetts and Connecticut with a portion of the western headwaters in Columbia and Dutchess counties in New York State.


These waters drain most of the Berkshire Mountains and eastern slope of the Taconic Mountains joining the Housatonic River and emptying into Long Island Sound.

The Mohican homelands extend along the Hudson River from south of Pine Plains and the Roelof Jansen Kill, south of the present Connecticut-Massachusetts border on northward to Lake George and the upper portions of Lake Champlain, and from the Catskill and Helderberg mountains on the west eastward into the upper Housatonic River Valley and western New England.

Original Stewards

It is with gratitude and humility that we acknowledge that we are learning, speaking and gathering on the ancestral homelands of the Muhheaconneok or Mohican people and the Munsee Lenape people, who are the indigenous peoples of this land.  Despite tremendous hardship in being forced from this land, today their community resides in Wisconsin and is known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community.


This land is near the homelands of other indigenous peoples and First Nations, including the Schaghticoke First Nations.  Indigenous peoples continue efforts to reclaim and steward the land today.


We pay honor and respect to their ancestors past and present as we commit to building a more inclusive, equitable and regenerative space for all.

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